Thursday 26 August 2021

Volcanic Eruption

Today we learnt how to either Blow up a balloon with vinegar and baking soda or yeast, Make a volcanic eruption or explode a lunch bag. I chose to do a volcanic eruption because I've always wanted to but I never knew how to and I only had the supplies to do the volcano.

For this exciting task I had to gather baking soda, dish soap and vinegar. Instead of making a volcano because the dirt was too stiff to dig in covered the bottle with leaves sticks and it was easy to grab dirt. I did not find anything challenging except taking the photos because of the sun and the big tree behind me.

Have you ever made a volcano or have you ever seen a live volcano?

For this task we watched a video on a nifty site called! Before 

Thursday 19 August 2021

Busy Minds Puzzle!


Kia Ora Bloggers!

Today I did not learn that much. But I did learn that sea lions are very cute!

We did this puzzle to give our minds a break to relax.

For this task we had to do a puzzle about two sea lions lying down in the snow.

I enjoyed this task because it was relaxing and it kept me busy for 3-4 minutes.

The only challenging thing about this puzzle was when I tried to beat my time.

What is your favourite Antarctic animal?

The Language Of Bees And Other Insects Summary.

Kia Ora Bloggers!

This week my reading group (The Ruby Rhinos) did a summarizing activity about how bees and other insects communicate. We summarized the text because we did a science experiment about how bees vibrate to collect the pollen from flowers.

I think my learning went amazing because I got to learn a lot about how insects communicate and I also got to more about bees and ants.

I think that just getting the task done on time was challenging because we only started summarizing the text on wednesday.

What is a fact you know about bees or other insects?

We read a book on a site called Epic. Epic is a free reading site for kids with educational books and comic books! 


Wednesday 11 August 2021

Interesting information about Japan!

Kia Ora bloggers! Last week my class was learning about Japan because the 2020 olympics were held in Tokyo which is the most populated city in the world which is also in Japan!

During this task we had to enter facts, images and information about Japan.

I enjoyed this task because I got to learn more about Japan. I didn't know much about Japan but now I know a lot about the fascinating country.

What is something significant about your county? Let me know in the comments!

I found all the riveting facts and information on a site called Kiddle which is a kidsafe search engine!